Are you a tourist or a traveler? A different way to start a topic.

As parttourist or traveler of the English B – High-level program, we had to look into the topic: tourism. I did not want to start the topic in a traditional way, so I chose to start it in a more engaging way. I found this interesting survey so that my students would engage from a personal perspective and not from the book’s perspective. It was a great decision as my students got hooked and were really engaged in a very interesting conversation as they had to share how each of them regarded this topic. They shared lots of personal connections and experiences. All in all, it was a great way to set a solid background for their writing they all had to do at the end of the lesson.

In the links I am sharing with you all, you will find the survey my students took. I asked them each question separately, they answered them individually and they kept their scores in their notebooks. At the end, I shared a reflection for each of the choices they had made. You can find these in the other link so that you can share more on the topic.

By the time we did this lesson, we were working in person. So after doing the survey, I gave them slips of paper with the skills a tourist or traveler had and they had to stick them under the correct heading. If I choose to repeat this lesson I might do a Jamboard instead most probably or a padlet.

As a wrap-up of the lesson, they all had to write an article for the school magazine following the IB rubric for this type of piece of writing. I have included links to some Ted Talks on tourism that I used with my students in the following lessons as the teachers who shared the Jam with me were interested in these.


Tourist or Traveler

scoring for teachers

María Barberis
María Barberis

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